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The Journey Home

by Douglas Mostert

November 5, 2021

If you cannot accept yourself, 

who you truly are 

and why it is that you have come, 

if you cannot forgive yourself 

for things now past and all that you have done, 


If you cannot take responsibility for your actions, 

your choices, 

your perspective 

and understand why this all begun,


Then you will forever push away 

all those you love, 

all the things that you love 

and all that you can become.


Give from the heart, 

receive with the heart, 

find courage, 

we can no longer run. 

Soften so you can listen, 

listen so you can feel 

and feel so that you can heal.


The heart knows, 

to the heart we come home, 

understand through compassion, 

let all else go. 


Expansive in nature, 

these seeds are sewn.

A place like no other, 

where all is known.




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