What if? It's time For Death To have a name change? For us to Acknowledge To accept What it really is? Versus continuing To feed the stories The nightmares Of how the end of the body Is the end of it all. What if? We altered our perception Instead of trying to control it all? Because we are so so afraid of losing What we love? What if? Instead we acknowledge Everything returns To where it came from... The water to the ocean No matter where the rain falls And the carbon of our bodies Returning to the earth To create something new Molecules freed From once rigid forms Set free to travel And the outworn space suit Now upgraded To an invisible cloak That allows The once confined traveler To now go anywhere! Beyond this world Of form Of senses Of emotions Of gravity To be anywhere Everywhere! Playing Dancing Free Isn't a graduation From earth Something to celebrate? Instead of mourning Something to appreciate Instead of grieving? What if we stopped Holding so tightly To the old story Of death And instead said Thank you D(ear) EA(r)TH For the gift of this life In me In front of me And truly Truly lived in gratitude Even when it moves on Travelling elsewhere Love lives on No matter the form.
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