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Everything Is only an experience And each experience Is unique No experience That we ever have Will repeat itself Exactly as it is. This moment Right now In all its glory In all its beauty And even in all its pain Is temporary. As the sages of old have said "This too shall pass" So breathe... And bring your focus Bring your presence Bring your attention To this very moment Experience the sensuality Of the sounds The sights The smells The tastes The touch Of this moment And do not rush To be anywhere else. Be here. Now. Be here now. Noticing this moment: Is a once in a lifetime moment. Your life Is a once in a lifetime life. How we spend each moment, Is what matters. And when we focus and long For something to happen, That is not here in this moment. We poison and taint Our experience of the now. When we hold within us feelings Of longing and desire, Resentment, Disappointment Dissatisfaction, When really In this moment, There's so much opportunity For joy For bliss For pleasure For peace For connection. Listen to the sounds that you can hear, perhaps a car in the distance, the sounds of nature Rain tapping on your roof, Perhaps a bird or a cricket, Perhaps the wind Perhaps your breath Or the breath of a loved one, Whether a furry friend Or a family member Or a lover. Pay attention to the breath That you can hear in this moment Cause if you listen Really deeply You might be able to hear Your own heartbeat. All of this is an experience a temporary fleeting experience But can we relish in it? Can we lap it up? Can we suck the marrow from the bones of this experience? Can we be present to the challenges And to the triumphs To the breakdowns To the breakthroughs To the liberation's Present in each moment, Because only now Is where we ever exist Where you ever exist Where I ever exist. The rest is in the mind Like watching a movie, Forward fast forwarding Rewinding Replaying But we can only really Experience our lives Playing Now Now Now. And in every moment There's an opportunity for beauty For understanding For transformation For change For celebration For gratitude. How do you choose to live your life?
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