You've known Haven't you? What you need What you need to do For a long time now. You already know the answer. Don't you? But all the fears in your mind In your heart Tell you otherwise All the doubts Cloud the YES A YES that used to be so clear Yet you've known all this time Haven't you? Maybe you tried to hide the truth From your view From your vision Wishing to run from it? Except you know You cannot escape it Because it lives inside of you. All the running All the attempted hiding Has just left you tired Foggy Clouded Confused Disoriented, Seemingly lost... Except you're not really lost after all, Are you? Can you stop? Close your eyes And listen Listen and Breathe Can you hear the YES? With each beat of your heart Can you hear the YES? The YES to life The YES to love The YES to joy The YES to you? She's smiling Listen closely She's calling to you Softly Softer than a whisper But she's calling you Home To your heart To your joy To the love within. There is so much light within you. There is no more need to suffer No more need to punish yourself No more need to feed the fears. Cast fear off your back Can you feel it hanging onto you? Sucking away all your joy? You no longer need to carry it Set it free And you will be free! Then open your eyes Gather all the courage You have earned On this journey of life Call on your wisdom Call on your bravery Call on the strength And choose now A life for yourself! Heal yourself! Can you free yourself of the Heaviness you have been carrying? Take a step into the unknown Into what appears to be darkness Breathe And know you are loved And perhaps you will discover That even the darkness is illuminated With each step Each smile In each daring breath you take There is light there with you The light goes with you Everywhere Wherever you go Even into the darkness Lighting your path Never leaving you... Because it burns within you Inside of you It shines from your eyes Lighting your way Always Trust it Trust your soul The healer inside. No need to worry About being alone Walk in joy Free from fear Pain and worry. It's not possible to be lonely When you contain such light.
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