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Courting the Muse

by Tiffanie DeBartolo

December 30, 2021

let your body find its place in this world

and let the world find its place in your body

love them both

as if they are the same

they are

all parts are welcome here




especially the parts

that desperately want to dance

with the world inside of you.

during this wooing

this romance

this deep dive into mystery

—yours and the world’s—

do not forget

you are seducing yourself

and every moment is an invitation

to beguile your soul

every moment a longing

to make love to your own fire

on the wind and in the dirt

look around and walk in all directions


only then will you recognize

you are walking in a circle

only then will you notice

how all the parts you discover

are connected

and as you stand

alive at the center of it all




you will meet yourself and your beloved

as if for the first time

the one whom you have always known

the one whom you have always been

and you will celebrate your wholeness

with grace


and compassion

and a full body knowing

that love begets love.




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