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I No Longer Pray

by Chelan Harkin

January 7, 2022

I no longer pray—

now I drink dark chocolate

and let the moon sing to me.

I no longer pray—

I let my ancestors dance

through my hips

at the slightest provocation.

I no longer pray—

I go to the river

and howl my ancient pain

into the current.

I no longer pray—

I ache, I desire,

I say “yes” to my longing.

I no longer pray as I was taught

but as the stars crawl

onto my lap like soft animals at nighttime

and God tucks my hair behind my ears

with the gentle fingers of her wind

and a new intimacy is uncovered in everything,

perhaps it’s that I’m finally learning

how to pray.



Photo by Nova on Unsplash 


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